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RadioSpiral was founded by Mike Metlay and Diana Smethurst as a means to continue what they both love doing - promoting ambient and electronic music by performing it and hosting shows with some of the best tracks you'll hear. With technical know-how and server maintenance provided by Paul Harriman, chat support and Spud-wrangling from Joe McMahon, marketing and hosting by Rebekkah Hilgraves, calendar and host support from Jan Ross, and bright ideas and show support from Kyizl Sands, the RadioSpiral Admin team aims to bring you the best of the genre. We should also include Spud (right), our music-curating robot, who has an attitude and a sense of humour, as you'll find out if you ever see him in Second Life. Yes, he does make appearances, and yes, this is what he looks like! RadioSpiral is a not-for-profit radio station. Tips given in Second Life go towards station running costs and building materials in Second Life.


Find out what's going on, listen to the music, join a hosted show... and more. Click and visit - this is the home of captivating electronica and ambient music. 

Spud Music.png

Spud, our (sometimes) friendly music robot

Listen to RadioSpiral from the website here.

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